How To Sell And Move In By Christmas

How To Sell And Move In By Christmas

Moving home can be a lengthy process, sometimes taking several months. A lot of buyers use Christmas as a self-imposed deadline, often so they can host the festivities in their new home and start the new year in their new...

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How To Avoid Tenants From Hell

How To Avoid Tenants From Hell

Unfortunately, it is a misconception to believe that all your tenants will be perfect.

There are two types of tenants: -

One will send you money every month for six years and you’ll never hear from them.


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First Impressions Really Do Count

First Impressions Really Do Count

Whether you are selling or letting, your properties appearance is so important. First impressions really do count in the property market - so make sure you get it right. Sometimes we jump on minimalism a little to...

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Home Staging Tips For Landlords

Home Staging Tips For Landlords

Home staging really does work. From well-kept gardens, summer outdoor furniture and some cleverly placed items. But what happens when you have an empty property waiting to be let or you have tenants moving out?


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Are You A 'Top Dog' Landlord?

Are You A 'Top Dog' Landlord?

We all love our pets, but why don’t landlords like renting to people with pets. As a result, there’s a huge group of potential tenants who, due to the existence of a furry, fluffy, friend – struggle to find a good rental...

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